Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Perceptual Map Marketing free essay sample

The purpose of this document is to illustrate the information contained within the Perceptual Map Marketing simulation and relate to its information as practical and important. Contained in the simulation were three phases, each of significant importance. We will include in this document the situation, the recommended solutions and the results.We will discuss the multiple marketing aspects that were revealed within the simulation and we will attempt to create satisfactory responses to the various questions which arise out of the relationships between differentiation and positioning of products or services and what the impact of the product life cycle on marketing is. It is the hope that after reading this document there will be a clear concept of what the results of this simulation were and how they are applicable to the papers mission. All good things have a story and Cruiser Thorr was no exception.We learned about the meaning behind the bike. We will write a custom essay sample on Perceptual Map Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The simulation showed how to create and use a perceptual map using the bike as a primary example. When using the Perceptual Map it then became clearly more evident which direction the marketing goals should take to carry on its back the heart and soul of the Morotcycle brand. In selling thousands of motorcycles a year the Thorr Motocycle company has created a client base capable of supporting their imense variety of choice that is given to the consumer. Everything from the type of engine to how many people can ride the bike.They sell accessories such as protective gear, clothing and even little models for children. The services they offer to their customers are that you would expect from a first rate bike shop. Our task is to set up a positioning strategy, a perceptual map and create the parameters that will become vital to the product as it will be the customers only information before making a major purchase. For decades now the industry of motorized bikes have been on the ries. Even with this evident truth backed by consumer research the top selling item that Thorr Motorcycles is creating seems to be dwindeling. The logical conclusion that we are coming to to is that their target customers are in the decades of their 30s till almost 60s and through the proccess of life seem to have lost interests in what Thorr stands for. No longer are these men rebels or out to â€Å"be wild† as Steppenwolf would say. Any consumers who are younger are simply not capable of affording the high price tag associated with a Thorr bike which ranges in the high 20 to low 30 thousand dollar range. Younger riders are more apt to buy less expensive, quicker riding bikes that are the exact opposite of the image that Thorr stands for.We are going to solidify Cruiser thorrs postion in the market by creating its Perceptual map. There are four basic parameters that are relevant to the entire scheme of biking industry which reflect the highest chances for Cruiser Thorrs survival. These are the four parameters: lifestyle image, product design and styling, service offerings, and price. The selection of lifestyle image is almost a no brainer as it is the backbone of the Cruiser Thorrs previous success. The entire bikes thriving record is built upon a reputation that having their bike is a status symbol.The same reason that people buy Starbucks instead of simply brewing their own coffee at home. Unlike other industries, transportation specfically speaks to the identity of the person who has the item. They will spend much of their time utilizing their vehicle. In no vehicle type is this more relevant than in bikes where people will see the bike and there will be no windows, walls, or doors hiding the rider from the world. Everyone will see who the rder is and that is why Product Design nd Styling are so vital to its success. The bike and the rider are one.Man and machine moving along the pavement together. The service offerings are probably the most second important aspect to a vehicle other than the price. Maintanence and such can get very expensive very quickly. Assuring that you are taking care of you customers and looking out for their well being is primary in the grand scheme of all things. At the end of the thought of course is always the most important aspect. Cost and price. The price is affected by many, many things. Among these things is engineering, construction, materials, labor, transport of the bike itself.The whole purpose for this bikes creation is ot make money. To make money you must have a clear marketing plan. Due to this obvious fact we have restructured Cruiser Thorr and decided to not create a new bike. It is imperative to keep the Cruiser Thorr in production if Thorr is going to keep making motorcycles. It is the bike that has built their empire. It would be as if Levis stopped selling 501 Jeans. We instead create a financing option that gives the consumers with less money an opportunity to own a Cruiser Thorr.With increased service options will be able to make rational sense of the high price that we will be able to keep at the same price. For advertising it would probably be a good idea to put some endorsements in race tracks, hook up with a popular drink brand like MONSTER and maybe make a â€Å"Monster Bike† that can ride around. We can also take a page out of the GM book and put our bikes into movies and on television for product placement. The current straegy is based on price, product, location, current pomotions and services offered.With the goal of repositioning the product in an attempt to remove the competions hold on the market because we will move the parameters into concurrent thought forms and proccesses making us and our strategies the same as the competition. We know that there are four key factors that are represented by stages in a products life cycle that are important for the marketing officer to know and understand. The four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Once a product reaches the stage of its full maturity it is time to revisit it with the hope of making improvements.If this is not done the product will very quickly enter the declining stages of its life cycle. This is the reason that Cruiser Thorr started to drop its sales figure. Their product had reached its maturity. Their current customers were old and any knew ones had no idea what Cruiser Thorr, the brand, stood for. For this reason we had to reinven and improve their bikes. It was necessary to compete. It is the hope that we have together reached and addressed the various key points necessary to form a graps of the information that was provided. We have described the three major phases in the simulation.The situation and the recommended solutions have been addressed along with what our results were. We have talked about the different marketing aspects and answered the different question sthat were arisen between the relationships of differentiation and positioning for each of the products and services and its impact. It was the desire of I to create a solid understanding of the purpose and use of Perceptual Maps in Marketing. References All information was taken from the Perceptual Map Marketing Simulation provided on the University of Phoenix website.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4th Grade Writing Prompts

4th Grade Writing Prompts Students in fourth grade need a variety of practice developing their writing skills. According to Common Core State Standards Initiative, fourth-grade writing should include opinion pieces, informative texts, and narratives about real or imagined experiences. Additionally, a fourth-grade  writing curriculum should include short research projects.   These writing prompts offer diverse forms of inspiration for every student. Opinion Essay Writing Prompts In an opinion essay, students must  state their opinion, then back it up with facts and reasons. Ideas should be organized logically and supported by details. Best Friends Forever. Write an essay explaining what makes your best friend the best best friend.  Awesomeness.  Describe the most awesome  thing about being in fourth grade.New Worlds. Would you rather help start a colony on a new planet or a city under the ocean? Why?School Food. Name one thing you would like to change about your school’s menu and explain why.Someday. If you could be a race car driver, an astronaut, or president of a country, which would you choose and why?Cityscapes. If you had a friend visit from another state, what is the one place in your city you would insist he or she had to see? What makes this place so special?Shipwrecked. You find yourself stranded on a deserted island with only 3 items in your backpack. What would you want those items to be and why?Flat Earth. Some people still believe that the Earth is flat. Do you agree or disagree? Include supporting  facts.Extra! Extra! Name one class, sport, or club you wish your school offered and exp lain why it should be available. Seasons. Which season is your favorite and why?One-star. What is the worst book you ever read and what made it so terrible?Fandom. Who is your favorite TV, movie, or music star? What makes him or her the best.Progress.  Identify  something at which you would like to improve about yourself as a student this school year. Explain why you would like to get better and list some steps you can take to make it happen. Informative  Essay Writing Prompts When writing an informative or explanatory essay, students should introduce the topic clearly, then develop the topic with facts and details. When explaining a process, students should outline the steps in a logical order. Bullied. Explain how you would handle  being bullied and the steps you would take to stop a bully.Mad Skills. Describe an unusual talent, hobby, or skill that you possess.Cuisine. Describe a food that is unique to your family or area of the world to someone who has never tasted it.Role Model. Think of a person who has made an impact on your life and describe the role they’ve played.Pay It Forward. What is one thing you would like to do - either now or in the future -   to make the world a better place?Packing. Explain the most effective way to pack for a trip to ensure that you have everything you need.Wild Kingdom. Of all animals, wild or domesticated, which is your favorite? Include interesting  facts about this animal in your essay.Gaming. Explain how to play your favorite video or board game to someone who has never played it before.Problematic. Describe a problem  you’re facing and three ways you could possibly solve it.Extreme Weather. Choose an extreme w eather condition or natural disaster, such as a tornado or a volcanic eruption. Explain  its causes and effects. Sweet Treats. Explain the process of making your favorite dessert.Learning Styles. Think of the way you prefer to learn, such as by reading, listening, or doing. Explain why you think you learn best that way.Edison. Thomas Edison said that he didn’t make mistakes; he just learned 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb. Describe a mistake you made and the lesson you learned from it. Narrative  Essay Writing Prompts When writing narrative essays about real or imagined experiences, students should use descriptive details and logical sequence. They can use dialogue and sensory details to develop their essay. Microscopic Details. Imagine being microscopic. Describe an adventurous  trip through your body.Alone. You find yourself locked in your favorite store alone overnight. Where are you and what do you do?Homeless. A friendly stray dog follows you home from school. What happens next?Time Travel. Imagine you could travel back in time to when your mom or dad was your age. Write an essay about your relationship with your fourth-grade parent.Mismatched. Write a story about someone your age. The story must include a giraffe, a mouse, a flying carpet, and a large birdcage.Pet Peeve.  Recount a moment when  something really got on your nerves. Describe the experience and why it irritated you so much.Surprise! Think of a time your teacher surprised your class. Describe what happened and how the class reacted.Special Moments. Think of a specific day or event that you will always remember. What made it so special?Travel Through History. Imagine you could travel back in time to live through o ne event from history. Describe the event and write about your experience. The Most Terrible Day. Write an essay about a day when everything went wrong. How did the day start and end, describe the experience.Road Trip. Write about a favorite family vacation or road trip. Where did you go? What made it special?Funny Pet Tricks.  Can  your pet do a funny or unusual trick? Describe it.President. If you could be president for a day (or the principal of your school), what would you do? Research Project  Essay Writing Prompts Fourth-grade students should also complete short research projects using books, magazines, and online sources. Students should take notes and provide a list of the sources they used in their research. New Puppy. You want a new puppy. Do some research to determine the best breed for your family and write about it.Battles.  Research and write about what you  consider the most significant or famous battle in history.Famous People. Choose a famous person from history or science and write about their lives and contributions.Animal Kingdom. Select an animal to research. Include facts about its behavior, habitat, and diet.Countries. Choose a country. Investigate its culture and holidays, and find out what life there  is like for kids your age.States. Pick a state you’ve never visited. Learn three to  five unique facts about the state to include in your essay.Inventions. What do you think is the greatest or most useful invention of all time? Find out who invented it and how and why it was invented.Native Americans. Choose a Native American tribe. Learn about where they lived, their culture, and their use of natural resources in their area.Endangered Species. Research and wr ite about an animal that is endangered. Include facts about why it is endangered and any changes that people can make to help increase its population. Fine Arts. Learn more about an artist or composer. Include facts about their life and death and most well-known works.Authors. Research  an author whose books you enjoy. Include facts about what inspired him or her to start writing.Dig Deeper.  Research something you’ve studied in  history, science, or  literature  but would like to know more about.State Standouts. Choose a famous person from your state. Learn about his or her life and contributions.